Happy new year from Marty, Shawna, Wyatt, Haylee, Garrett, Bozeman, and Casy!
It has been a terrific year for us. After spending a little extra time in the womb, Garrett was born on May 10, making us a family of 5 and tipping the balance so that the children outnumber the adults. Fortunately for us, Garrett has been the easiest and happiest child yet. He can sit and smile or bounce in his jumper for hours. He is growing fast and doing an army crawl now. Wyatt and Haylee call him "Baby Garrett" and have warmly welcomed him to the family, although sometimes for Haylee that welcome takes the form of a heartfelt slap on the head. Shawna and I are playing zone defense now and getting by, but when Garrett starts walking it's going to be a whole new game.

Shawna has had a busy and productive year. She has continued restoring old furniture, sewing clothes for herself, the kids, even Haylee's baby doll, teaching the kids how to
swim, bike, play, and not to mention birthing a child mid-year too. I'm
not sure how she does it all, but she has somehow managed to maintain
her sanity while taking care of 3 kids and a husband, and she looks just
as young and beautiful as ever.
I (Marty) have had a great year too. When Garrett was born I got to take a month of parental leave from work to help Shawna with the kids. I used to think that I worked hard at my job, but that was before spending a month as a stay at home dad! Male pattern baldness was initated almost instantaneously. I was excited to join a tennis league this summer for the first time ever. My excitement was slightly marred by the discovery that only one person other than myself joined the league, but on the bright side I did emerge undefeated.

Prior to Garrett's birth, Shawna and I dropped the kids off with Grammy and Grampy and enjoyed a trip to New York, our first trip alone since having kids. We had a fantastic time seeing historic sights, monuments, and a show. We also took our first trip back to TX since we moved to KY, and the kids came along for this one. Aside from our van breaking down and a frantic dash through the airport, we had a wonderful time, visiting many friends and enjoying our favorite Austin eateries.
Wyatt turned 3 this year. He has continued preschool one day a week that Shawna and the other moms take turns leading. He is exuberant about lots of things that we often take for granted, like checking the mail, drinking "special drinks" (chocolate milk or apple cider), and building legos. He has become an avid bike rider and puzzle worker. We had a lot of fun teaching him to ride his big boy bike this year with pedals and no training wheels. While we were holding him up he would get super excited and say "Look, me doing it all by myself", but then we would let go and he yells "Hold me, hold me". Within a couple months though he has become an expert and is now riding all over the yard and doing stunts.

He joined an indoor soccer league this year for 3-4 year olds. The first couple games were marked by many tears, but this eventually gave way to excitedly running around after the ball and a some solid possessions. By the end of the game though, he usually needs a pep talk from Dad as he starts lollygagging and playing with his imaginary binoculars.
Haylee is a little firecracker. She is 2 years old now, and loves getting into trouble. You know she is about to make mischief when she sticks her tongue in her cheek. In the unending battle to see whether more food ends up in her mouth or on the floor, she has gone undefeated against Mom and Dad this year. She may be trouble, but she is a real cutie and always wins us over with a hug. She likes to repeat everything Wyatt says and she enjoys clapping also, particularly when she is proud of herself.
Haylee's new favorite phrase she has adopted is "Stop doing that", which she has a cute way of saying. She applies this command in all sorts of circumstances, like when Wyatt is bothering her, or when Mommy is singing, or sometimes for no particular reason at all.
The kids generally get along and play well together. They like to play hop on pop at night. They also play "Fat Penguin", a game they made up where they stick both feet through one pajama leg and then waddle around calling themselves fat penguins. We don't know where they got it, we just go with it.
Casy our cat continues to take daily beatings from the kids and never wields a claw or teeth against them. But when she wants food she is more than happy to gnaw my feet relentlessly. Bozeman our dog is doing well at 14 years old. He has finely honed his ability to pick out the person in the room most likely to drop food on the ground and cling to their side. He always roots for Haylee in the aforementioned battle over food on the ground vs food in the mouth.
All in all, we are doing great and looking forward to 2017. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our friends and family!
The Hendersons